Prominent Persons
Mr. G. Chandrasekhar (MD)
Neospark Drugs & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd.
241, BL Bagh, Panjagutta, Hyderabad-500082, Telangana
Phone: +91-40-49012345
Mobile: +91-94XXXXXX70
Email: Web:
Mfrs. & Suppliers Of Feed Supplements, Feed Additives, Premixes, Biotechnology Formulations, Pharmaceutical Formulations and Biosecurity Formulations to cater the needs of Poultry, Livestock and Aquaculture sectors.

Mr. Subrata Mukherjee (CEO)
West Bengal Chemical Industries Ltd.
145/1, Jessore Road, Lake Town, Kolkata – 700089, West Bengal
Phone: +91-33-40251700, 40251740
Mobile: +91-93XXXXXX34, +91-90XXXXXX32
Email: Web:
Mfrs. & Suppliers Of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient, Feed Additives & other Poultry & Livestock products.

Mr. Pintu Das (Proprietor)
Das Drug Centre
113/110, Jirat Road, Habra Dist. North-24
PGS-743263, West Bengal
Phone: +91-3216-321573, Fax: +91-3216-236110
Mobile: +91-94XXXXXX26
Email:, Web:
Mfrs. & Suppliers Of Import & Distributors For All Kinds Of Poultry Vaccines, Medicines, Feed Additives.

Dr. Anoop Kalra (Director)
Ayurvet Limited.
Unit No. 101, 103 1st Floor, KM Trade Tower, Plot No-H3
Sector-14, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad-201010, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 0120-7100201
Mobile: +91-98XXXXXX52
Email: Web:
Manufacturers & Suppliers Of Veterinary products

Mr. O.P. Singh (Managing Director)
Huvepharma SEA (Pune) Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 104, First Floor, Green Terrace, Lane No-5
South, Koregaon Park, Pune-411001, Maharashtra
Phone: 020-26154193
Mobile: +91-97XXXXXX22
Email: Web:
Manufacturers & Suppliers Of Anticoccidials, Enzymes, Feed additives, Hygiene, Vaccines, Veterinary products

Dr. Mahendra Singh (Managing Director)
Meghal Enterprises
195 A, 2nd Floor, Above Sanket Diagnostics Centre, MP Nagar
Zone 1, Bhopal-462011, Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 0755-4008824
Mobile: +91-94XXXXXX95
Email: Web:
Manufacturers & Suppliers Of Ef-Chlor 0.5 gm, Ef-Chlor 1.67 gm, Ef-Chlor 4 gm, Ef-Chlor 15 gm, Ef-Chlor Granules

Mr. Pravin Jaiswal (General Manager)
Advance Bio-Agro Tech Ltd. (ABTL)
Office No. 201, 2nd Floor, S.N.6/1/1, Deron Hills
Baner Road, Pune-411045, Maharashtra
Phone: 020-27291020/ 21
Mobile: +91-99XXXXXX09
Email: Web:
Manufacturers & Suppliers Of CosBac, Immunotech, XylaOpt, BG-Pro

Dr. Mrigen Dutta (Head-Poultry Marketing)
B.V. Sc & A.H.
Zydus Animal Health & Investments Ltd.
Zydus Corporate Park, 3rd Floor, D Wing, Plot No. 103, Khoraj
Near Nirma University, SG Highway, Ahmedabad-382481 (Gujarat)
Phone: 079-48040000, 26868681
Mobile: +91-99XXXXXX05
Email: Web:
Zydus AHL becomes the first company in the world to win the The Best Animal Health Company in India, Middle East & Africa” instituted by the Animal Pharm Journal, three times in four years. (2015, 2016 and 2018)