Project Report : Poultry Farming

Project Report : Poultry Farming

Amount can vary quite considerably depending on your place of purchase and market price.

But there are two different things:

1. Poultry farming at smaller scale, where investments are less, profits are less and management is easy

2. Commercial poultry farming, where investments are huge and returns and risks are too very huge. But the management is very very extensive. You become careless for one day and all of your hens might be dead the next day.

I would recommend you to consult a poultry consultant first in case you are planning to take any such decision.

Lets discuss the costing of different Poultry farms as suggested by NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture Development, India) and from some other sources.

Layer Farming (NABARD)
A model project for 20,000 layer birds:

Cost of construction of different sheds = 66 lacs
Recurring cost (birds, supplies and insurance) = 44 lacs
Cost of Land (if now owned) = 40 lacs (for 2 acres of land)
I am assuming land costs very less, they may vary or are definitely high in Indian cities. Ideally it should be bought in some distant rural areass, but land costs are really high everywhere (Please quote if I am wrong!!)

Total Project cost = 110 lacs (with own land) and 150 lacs (without own land)

2. Broiler Farming (NABARD)

A model project for 10,000 layer birds:

Cost of construction of different sheds = 20.4 lacs
Recurring cost (birds, supplies and insurance) = 10.5 lacs
Cost of Land (if now owned) = 40 lacs (for 2 acres of land)
I am assuming land costs very less, they may vary or are definitely high in Indian cities. Ideally it should be bought in some distant rural areas, but land costs are really high everywhere (Please quote if I am wrong!!)

Total Project cost = 30.9 lacs (with own land) and 70.9 lacs (without own land)

3. Small scale poultry (broiler) farm

In some parts of country there are some entrepreneurial models which promote poultry by small farmers.
Costing for a small batch of 500/1000 birds:
They support in building a conventional shed at cost around INR 10,000. Then they provide all inputs like (chicks, feed and support) one cycle in advance.

4. Backyard Poultry farming

It is a traditional model of poultry keeping in rural areas.
No capital required (only to buy few birds).
5 – 20 birds can be kept by each household and mainly they are reared to meet the egg and chicken demand of the household.
Only sold in case of emergency.

Note: The actual investment might by different based on ground situation and availability of inputs. Kindly consult an expert before making any investment in poultry farming.

Author: Goswami Arun                                                                                                                    Email:

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